*Всегда начинаются с вопросительного слова и требуют получение информации.
*Вопрос к подлежащему строится по типу утвердительного и не требует вспомогательных глаголов DO DOES DID (при этом после WHO / WHAT глагол стоит в форме 3 л. ед ч)
* во всех других вопросах требуется вспомогательный глагол DO DOES DID или вспомогательный глагол того времени, в котором стоит предложение.
Who - вопрос к одушевленному подлежащему: не используем do, does, did Helen opened the door. Who opened the door? Andrew helped me in the garden. Who helped you in the garden?
Who - вопрос к объекту: используем do, does, did
Kids greet their parents. Who do they greet?
He asked his sister about the weather. Who did he ask about the weather?
What - Вопрос к неодушевленному подлежащему : не используем do, does, did His back hurts. What hurts? The cup fell down. What fell down?
What - вопрос к неодушевленному объекту: используем do, does, did
She usually wears a jacket and a skirt. What does she usually wear?
They built a house in the country. What did they build in the country?
Whose - вопрос о принадлежности чего-либо кому-либо.
This is my mother’s room. Whose room is this? Sally’s father was an engineer. Whose father was an engineer?
When - вопрос к обстоятельству времени
I met her last week. When did you meet her?
They came home after midnight. When did they come home?
Where - вопрос к обстоятельству места.
They flew to Miami. Where did they fly?
She lives in a big country house. Where does she live?
Why - вопрос о причине
He stayed at home because he was ill. Why did he stay at home?
They like her because she is always very friendly. Why do they like her?
How - задаем вопрос: как, каким образом
They drove fast. How did they drive?
My holiday was wonderful. How was your holiday?
How long - спрашиваем: как долго
They stayed in London for a week. How long did they stay in London?
She lived in Paris for a year. How long did she live in Paris?
How many - спрашиваем: сколько (исчисляемое) 15 thousand people live in this town . How many people live in this town?
He bought 5 books. How many books did he buy?
How much - спрашиваем: сколько (неисчисляемое)
He gets 20 dollars pocket money a week. How much pocket money does he get a week?
She brought some loaves of bread. How much bread did she bring?
How often - спрашиваем о частоте действия
They go swimming twice a week. How often do they go swimming?
Her husband meets her at the office every day. How often does he meet her?